An Bord Banistaíochta – The Board of Management

An Bord Banistaíochta

The Bord of Management

The Board of Management operates in accordance with the provisions of the Education Act (I998) and the Governance Manual for Schools, 2023-2027. The Board is responsible for the overall management of the school on behalf of our Patron, An Foras Patrúnachta and in accordance with the rules for national schools. The functions of the Board include management of school finances, maintenance and upgrade of the school buildings, recruitment of staff, development of the school plan and communication with the school community.

The Board of Management has a statutory obligation to ensure, through the Principal and teaching staff that:

  • General education provision within the school is of a high quality.
  • The needs of students are identified and responded to by the school.
  • Appropriately qualified and competent teaching and non-teaching staff are appointed, subject to approval of the Patron and the Minister.
  • School Plans are developed, implemented and regularly evaluated.
  • Management and staff development needs are identified and provided within available resources.
  • Parents receive full information on their child’s progress.
  • The school complies with all rules and regulations prescribed by the Department of Education and Skills.


Our Board of Management work in a voluntary capacity for the benefit of all of the children in Gaelscoil Thulach na n-Óg and their hard work and dedication is much appreciated by us all.

Members of the Board


Chairman –  Seamus Caomhánach

Secretary & Principal – Seán ó Láimhín

Treasurer & Patron’s Nominee – Neil Murray

Teachers’ Nominee – Colleen Fraher

Parents’ Nominee  – Niall Smith

Parents’ Nominee – Diana  Ross-Hogan

Community Nominee – Robert Rooney

Community Nominee – Celine Sludds